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A Workshop for Fisheries Enforcement Strategies to Prevent, Combat and Deter IUU Fishing Related to COVID-19 Pandemic

COVER_224_OFWG_Workshop for Fisheries Enforcement Strategies
Published Date March 2024
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 195
Pages 46
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This report is one of the outputs of the APEC Workshop on enhancing the enforcement to deter IUU Fishing in the APEC region. The main objective of this workshop is to develop strategies to combat IUU fishing during the COVID-19 pandemic through sharing best practices, addressing challenges, and exploring innovative technologies for remote monitoring and enforcement. The goal is to ensure compliance with fisheries management measures and sustainability in the face of pandemic-related risks.

This report contains presentations from all the speakers in the workshop which were divided into 2 sessions each in a day including discussion sessions. It also measures the comprehension of the participants by using Pre-Test and Post-Test evaluation, short test which deliberately designed using several questions from the presentation material. The report also contains the results from pre and post-test evaluation, as well as summary and recommendations obtained from this workshop.