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Data Standardization within APEC: Focusing on Health Data

COVER_224_DESG_Data Standardization within APEC
Published Date March 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)
Accessed 572
Pages 74
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This report addresses the crucial task of data standrdization, which is becoming increasingly important with the growth of the digital economy. In particular, it focuses on an analysis of data standardization in the field of healthcare data, which has gained even more significance on a global scale following the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the report is primarily on data standardization policies and use cases. It expands the scope of the ongoing discourse by examining not only policies and cases in APEC member economies but policies and cases from international standards organizations such as ISO, HL7, and DICOM as well. Based on the results of the analysis, the report presents policy insights on the expansion of data utilization through data standardization within APEC.