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Policies and Tools for Improving Digital Economy and Competition in Digital Markets: Current Issues

COVER_224_DESG_Policies and Tools for Improving Digital Economy and Competition in Digital Markets
Published Date March 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG), Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG)
Accessed 1186
Pages 76
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The Report provides a comprehensive review of the main competition and public policy issues and concerns, and an overview of the mix of competition and regulatory policies and tools, that have been implemented by several APEC and non-APEC economies to tackle them, regarding the following topics:

  • Consumers’ protection: intersection between consumer protection and competition enforcement in digital markets, particularly for Artificial Intelligence and Dark Patterns;
  • Online safety, regulatory and competition issues; and
  • Collaboration between competition and regulatory authorities to tackle harms and risks from data collection and analysis.

It also includes a summary of discussions of keynote speakers and APEC experts, during the project’s capacity-building Virtual Series. Finally, considering all these elements, the Report presents a set of general recommendations for APEC economies.