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Youth Involvement in the Development of Sustainable and Safe Tourism in Rural Areas of APEC Economies

Published Date May 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Accessed 293
Pages 70
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Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, employment in urban areas in the Asia-Pacific region was larger than in rural ones. In this regard, tourism can serve as a driver of economic development in rural areas, especially if fostered by the involvement of youth. Today we are witnessing the growing influence of the new generation on the world trade markets specializing in goods and services, which includes the tourism market. The report thus intends to explore this trend, with a focus on opportunities for promoting rural areas as tourist destinations among youth as well as public and private measures that prove most effective in integrating youth in rural tourism activities.

The Report consists of several parts, including results of stakeholder survey, profiles of 19 APEC economies and recommendations for the further development of sustainable tourism in rural areas of the APEC economies with the involvement of youth.