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The Asia-Pacific Information Platform on Food Security (APIP on Food Security) is a system for sharing information on food security online. It was developed based on the APEC Action Plan on Food Security agreed to at the APEC Ministerial Meeting on Food Security, in Niigata, Japan, 2010.  Since its launch in 2012 as an independent website under the management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery of Japan, APIP website has played a key role of sharing information on Food Security in Asia-Pacific Region.

In 2022, it is renewed as a satellite website of APEC in order to be a more useful information platform for APEC economies. It contains Stocktake of APEC Food Security Plans, Best Practices, Information of Public Private Partnership, APEC Food Security Work Plans, News & Events and Links, as well as some other relevant information collected in the former APIP website.

The outline of contents is as follows:

  • Stocktake of APEC Food Security Plans
    • Stocktake information of relevant APEC Food Security plans are introduced, including Niigata action plans 2010 on Food Security and APEC Food Security Roadmap Towards 2020. There are also links to each plan for easy reference.
  • Best Practices
    • Best practices chosen from the 160 projects of PPFS, ATCWG, HLPDAB and OFWG from 2017 to 2024 are introduced. Six projects conducted by Japan, Chinese Taipei, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Korea are introduced for the first year. Projects are renewed periodically based on the recommendation by the member economies.
  • Public Private Partnership
    • Initiatives to promote PPP in terms of food security in the APEC member economies are introduced, as well as the relevant information within the APEC website.
  • Ministerial Declarations on Food Security
    • Declarations and statements made in the APEC ministerial meetings on food security.
    • News & Events
      • News and events information on food security provided by member economies. 
    • Links
      • Useful links to statistics on food security and agriculture, food security policy, member economies and APIP archives.