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APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook, 5th Edition

Published Date February 2013
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 29196
Pages 424
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This Outlook is designed to provide a basic point of reference for anyone wishing to become more informed about the energy choices facing the APEC region. It presents projections of energy demand, supply, and carbon dioxide emissions to the year 2035, along with discussions of the energy challenges facing the APEC region. The business-as-usual projections illustrate the risks of the development path the APEC region is currently on. A new feature of this edition of the Outlook is the alternative scenarios, which examine options for increasing natural gas use and reducing energy demand in transportation.

Volume 1 discusses the outlook from an APEC-wide perspective, while Volume 2 has a chapter discussing each of the 21 APEC member economies. Excel files of the detailed model results are also available for downloading on the APERC website
Volume 1
1. Summary of Key Trends
2. APEC Energy Demand and Supply Overview
3. Overview of APERC’s Energy Demand and Supply Model
4. Final Energy Demand
5. Transport Sector Energy Demand
6. Industrial Sector Energy Demand
7. Non-Energy Sector Demand
8. Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural Sector Energy Demand
9. Electricity Demand and Supply
10. Primary Energy Demand and Supply
11. Oil Supply
12. Natural Gas Supply
13. Coal Supply
14. Nuclear Supply
15. Renewable Energy Supply
16. Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Volume 2
Economy Reviews

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