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Manual on Good Practices to Improve the Supply Chain of Marine Products from the Subsistence Fishery Sector in the Asia Pacific Region

Published Date October 2016
Type of Publication Manuals
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Ocean and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)
Accessed 5271
Pages 40
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Small-scale fisheries are highly dynamic, labour intensive and usually not integrated with local marketing arrangements. Small-scale fishers, their families and communities are critically dependent on fish for their food and livelihood security and are extremely vulnerable to external pressures and shocks. Products originating from subsistence or small-scale fisheries require good handling practices along the supply chain since up to 30% of the catch in some cases is lost due to poor handling practices.

This manual is intended for use as a training aid to help introduce and explain post-harvest fishing topics to subsistence fisher folk and others actors in the coastal fisheries value chain. It is aimed at facilitating the improvement of the catch condition of subsistence fishers (aiming at food security) by reducing economic losses and overfishing by the deterioration of fish prod¬ucts that were not properly handled.