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Case Studies on Advancing Inclusive Economic Growth: Understanding and Valuing Indigenous Economies within APEC

Cover_221_SCE_Case Studies on Advancing Inclusive Economic Growth
Published Date April 2021
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)
Accessed 4219
Pages 44
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The aim of this report is to support statisticians, researchers and policy makers within the APEC region to understand and value Indigenous economies in their respective economies. This report finds that research and analysis of Indigenous economies generates useful data and information that can provide decision-makers and stakeholders with important insights to inform policy decisions. This information can help improve the opportunities and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples. The report also highlights, and helps to raise awareness of, the contribution that Indigenous economies make to their wider APEC economies. This heightened awareness can increase economic opportunities and encourage inclusive growth.