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APEC Guideline to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance in the Asia-Pacific Region

1577-APEC Guideline to Tackle AMR in the AP Region_Cover
Published Date November 2014
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Health Working Group (HWG)
Accessed 13418
Pages 44
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“The APEC guideline to tackle antimicrobial resistance in the Asia-Pacific region” is primarily based on the strategic action plan to control and prevent AMR in the Asia-Pacific region from previous APEC projects. The strategic action plan to control AMR consists of six major components that are aimed to achieve effective control and prevention of AMR in the Asia-Pacific region; 1) Surveillance of AMR and antibiotic use, 2) Increased awareness of AMR, 3) Appropriate use of effective antibiotics, 4) Hospital infection prevention and control, 5) Vaccination, and 6) Policies and regulations. The APEC guideline can provide APEC economies with the general concept and the frame of the strategies to address the growing threat of AMR in the region for the first time. Since current problems and issues of AMR and antibiotic uses may vary by economy, implementation of the strategic action plan should be individualized based on local situation.