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Workshop on Modernizing Secured Transactions Legal Regimes in APEC Economies through International Instruments and Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Cover_222_EC_Workshop on Modernizing Secured Transactions Legal Regimes in APEC Economies
Published Date September 2022
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 1244
Pages 48
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A hybrid Workshop on Modernizing Secured Transactions Legal Regimes in APEC Economies through International Instruments and Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanisms was held on 25-27 May 2022 in Tokyo, Japan.  The workshop addressed how APEC member economies—particularly developing economies— can improve their legal and regulatory infrastructure for access to credit and secured transactions by implementing international standards adopted by UNCITRAL, UNIDROIT, and APEC. The workshop highlighted other features that complement a modern credit infrastructure intended to serve MSMEs, including addressing women entrepreneurs’ needs and extending the availability of online dispute resolution mechanisms. The workshop was based in part on a Study on Issues Affecting the Implementation of Secured Lending Reform and Access to Credit as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic in APEC Economies. The findings of the study provided the background for discussions during the workshop.