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Gender and Structural Reform: Achieving Economic Growth through Inclusive Policies

Cover_222_EC_Gender and Structural Reform Achieving Economic Growth through Inclusive Policies
Published Date October 2022
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 904
Pages 36
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APEC economies have committed to utilizing structural reform to support gross domestic product (GDP) growth and further broad-based, inclusive economic development. As economies advance structural reform efforts, it is essential to ensure that the different economic impact of policies on women and men is fully examined and integrated into legislative and regulatory changes. This applies to both structural policies that are inherently discriminatory and those that appear gender neutral. To guide policymakers on where to focus structural reform efforts, this report provides quantitative evidence on the areas of reform that are likely to increase economic growth. Policymakers and stakeholders can utilize this data to build advocacy and reform cases for policies that both integrate women more fully into economic activities and drive GDP growth.