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Competition Policy: A Driver for Economic Recovery in the APEC Region

Cover_223_CPLG_Competition Policy_A Driver for Economic Recovery in the APEC Region
Published Date January 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC), Competition Policy and Law Group (CPLG)
Accessed 1304
Pages 62
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This report summarizes the main ideas, findings and proposals derived from the workshop, Competition Policy: A Driver for Economic Recovery in the APEC Region, held virtually on 12-13 October 2022.

During this event, officials from competition agencies of Asia-Pacific shared their experiences on the following areas: (1) advocacy efforts to support governments in the design, implementation and withdrawal of government support strategies required in the short-run; (2) the use of enforcement powers to address anticompetitive agreements, exclusionary abuses, and excessive pricing in strategic sectors affected by the pandemic; (3) how competition authorities have addressed the challenges posed by economic uncertainty in enforcing their merger control powers; and (4) investments they have made to increase their expertise and data collection capabilities on crisis-affected sectors.

Additionally, this report presents policy and best practice recommendations that could be implemented by APEC economies as a benchmark to address economic recovery from a competition perspective.