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FTAs/RTAs Activities

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APEC has been conducting various activities to help enhance the ability of APEC member economies to negotiate high-quality and comprehensive free trade and regional trade agreements (FTAs/RTAs) in part by helping them understand these agreements better,so as to “further advance the Bogor Goals and economic integration in the region in a manner that is market-driven, including through the work on the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) agenda which contributes to high standard and comprehensive regional undertakings”.

The links below serve as points of access to the suite of work conducted by the CTI on RTAs and FTAs. These include:

  1. Materials and summary records of trade policy dialogues on RTAs/FTAs conducted under the "Information sharing Mechanism on FTAs/RTAs"
  2. Materials and summary records of capacity building workshops/seminars/training courses conducted under the "Capacity Building Needs Initiative" (CBNI)