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Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems in the APEC Region

Cover_219_EWG_Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Photovoltaic Systems in the APEC Region
Published Date April 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 2868
Pages 97
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This report focuses on the life cycle cost assessments (LCCA) of photovoltaic (PV) Systems; solar farm system, solar rooftop system, and solar for rural electrification system. In particular, this report provides comprehensive description of methods and models used when analyzing the PV systems life cycle from cradle-to-grave. The main objectives of this report are:1) to develop an economic assessment of photovoltaic systems framework through life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) from cradle-to-grave; 2) to identify the economically viable photovoltaic systems (solar farm, BIPV, and standalone) based on its cost and return of investment period; and 3) to infuse life cycle cost analysis as a tool for photovoltaic systems policy development. The best practices and the overview of the performance of PV systems within the APEC economies are documented.